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Sugar CRM
Developer SugarCRM Inc
Latest release 5.5
OS Cross-platform
Genre Customer Relationship Management
License GPL
Website www.sugarcrm.com

SugarCRM is rethinking how technology can help companies manage customer relationships. Sugar, the market leading commercial open source CRM application, delivers a feature-rich set of business processes that enhance marketing effectiveness, drive sales performance, improve customer satisfaction and provide executive insight into business performance. Supported by deep collaboration and administration capabilities that adapt to how your company operates, Sugar is delighting customers of all sizes across a broad range of industries.


SugarCRM develops CRM software in three versions: Sugar Open Source, Sugar Professional and Sugar Enterprise. Each product is produced from the same code tree with Sugar Open Source containing roughly 85 percent of the functionality contained in Sugar Professional and Sugar Enterprise. The products are based on the LAMP stack of Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. Their functionality includes sales force automation, marketing campaigns, customer cases, collaboration and reporting. Sugar Open Source is free of charge; Sugar Professional and Sugar Enterprise are sold at an annual subscription.