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IDABC > A. Produktivnostna orodja in administrativni postopki > A.6 Upravljanje vsebin
Source Forge > Internet > WWW/HTTP > Portali / upravljanje vsebin

Developer Inštitut OKO
Latest release 1.6 / July 22 2007
OS Linux
Genre All-in-one web server on Linux
License GPL
Website SloJoomla

The acronym LAMP refers to a solution stack of software, usually free and open source software, used to run dynamic Web sites or servers. The original expansion is as follows:

The combination of these technologies is used primarily to define a web server infrastructure, define a programming paradigm of developing software, and establish a software distribution package.

Though the originators of these open source programs did not design them all to work specifically with each other, the combination has become popular because of its low acquisition cost and because of the ubiquity of its components (which come bundled with most current Linux distributions). When used in combination they represent a solution stack of technologies that support application servers.

OKO-LAMPP is a Slovenian development pack of LAMP including localization, Joomla CMS and Moodle LMS. Automated installer does all the work for you.

This software is supported by COKS at podpora@coks.si