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IDABC > A. Produktivnostna orodja in administrativni postopki > A.2 namizna programska oprema
Source Forge > Sistem > Distribucija programske opreme

Developer Institute for robotics, Maribor
Latest release 2.2 / September 18 2007
OS Linux
Genre Live linux distribution
License GPL
Website ferix.uni-mb.si

FeriX is a live (CD/DVD) linux distribution.

The goal was to achieve a CD or DVD that needs no installation and is suitable for students of technical courses. The name comes from the use, in the English pronunciation – live Linux. While the system loads from DVD, this means it will work slower than a system installed on the computer’s hard disk. The advantage of this is that there is no need to intervene in the current system configuration. As always in the OS community we put together already developed pieces. FeriX is build on the KNOPPIX 5.0.1., which can be found on www.knoppix.net and other distributions are available on distrowatch.com. We choose Knoppix because it is easy to translate and reestablish. Also of big importance is the set of user programs, especially applicable for students of FERI.