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Alfresco Software Inc.
Alfresco Logo
Developer Alfresco
Latest release 3.3
OS Cross-platform
Genre Enterprise Content Management
License GPL 2 with linking exception [1]
Website https://www.alfresco.com/

Alfresco is an free software / open source, open standards, enterprise scale content management system for Microsoft Windows and Unix-like operating systems.

Its design is geared towards users who require a high degree of modularity and scalable performance. Alfresco includes a content repository, an out-of-the-box web portal framework for managing and using standard portal content, a CIFS interface that provides file system compatibility on Microsoft Windows and Unix-like operating systems, a web content management system capable of virtualizing webapps and static sites via Apache Tomcat, Lucene indexing, and jBPM workflow. The Alfresco system is developed using Java technology.

This software is supported by COKS at podpora@coks.si