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6. - 8. Maj 2008, Slovenija

The conference will focus mostly on the topics which contribute to connecting eHealth tools and users. The exhibition will show eHealth solutions of EU Member States, Slovenian and other EU countries eHealth industry.

The programme will focus mostly on topics which contribute to connecting eHealth tools and users:

  1. between places, cities, regions and countries and
  2. between all players in healthcare (citizens, patients, healthcare professionals, healthcare providers, health insurance providers, public health actors, educational and research institutions, and public authorities)

The conference aims:

  1. to demonstrate opportunities, achievements and challenges of the implementation of electronic healthcare, and
  2. To define as clearly as possible future directions for the further development of eHealth in Europe

On May the 5th satellite conferences and events such as national eHealth conference and events will be organised by European associations and projects.

Further information on the agenda, exhibition and registration to the conference will soon be available on the dedicated website of the conference.



Kategorija:Events Kategorija:2008/05/06