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Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), San francisco, US

OSBC 2008, March 25-26, 2008 in San Francisco, CA.

Find out what happened at the 2007 OSBC by reading the conference chair's Open Sources blog. Interested in attending the next OSBC or becoming a sponsor in 2008?

Open Source Business Conference (OSBC) is the industry’s only forum for senior business leaders, C-level technical strategists, lawyers and venture capitalists to collaborate on emerging business models, strategies and profitability for open source software use. OSBC explores the legal, investment, vendor and customer risks, rewards and opportunities presented by open source software. The program will provide content-rich sessions from well-known thought leaders and industry executives on how open source technology is being used and to investigate the business implications of this technology.

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Kategorija:2008/03/25 Kategorija:2008/03/26 Kategorija:Events