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Mozilla Firefox
Developer Mozilla Corporation / Mozilla Foundation
Latest release 3.6
Programming language(s) C++, XUL, XBL, JavaScript
OS Cross-platform
Natural language(s) Multilingual
Genre Web browser
License MPL/GPL/LGPL/Mozilla EULA (for binary redistribution)
Website https://www.mozilla.com/firefox/

Mozilla Firefox is a web browser, gopher client and FTP client project descended from the Mozilla Application Suite, managed by the Mozilla Corporation. Firefox had 16.80% of the recorded market share in Web browsers as of December 2007, making it the second-most-popular browser in current use worldwide.

Firefox uses the open-source Gecko (layout engine), which implements some current Web standards plus a few features which are intended to anticipate likely additions to the standards.

Firefox includes tabbed browsing, a spell checker, incremental find, live bookmarking, a download manager, and a search system that uses Google. Functions can be added through more than 2,000 add-ons created by third party developers; the most popular include FoxyTunes (controls music players), Adblock Plus (ad blocker), StumbleUpon (website discovery), DownThemAll! (download functions) and Web Developer (web tools). Firefox runs on various versions of Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and many other Unix-like operating systems. Its current stable release is version 3, released on 17th June 2008.

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