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IDABC > A. Produktivnostna orodja in administrativni postopki > A.5 Spletna orodja
Produktivnostna orodja in administrativni postopki

Latest release 0.7.10 / August 30, 2007
OS Cross-platform
Genre HTML editor
License MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-license
Website www.kompozer-web.de

KompoZer is a WYSIWYG HTML Editor based on Nvu. It is maintained by a community-driven fork and is a project on Sourceforge. Portable versions of both are packaged by PortableApps.com and are available from the Nvu Portable & KompoZer Portable page on their site.

In March 2007, KompoZer was featured on Download.com's round up on the best free alternatives to Adobe CS3, where it was favorably compared to Adobe Dreamweaver.