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eGovernment Days, 11.-13. February 2008, Brdo, Slovenia

On the occasion of the Slovenian Presidency of the European Union in 2008 Slovenian Government and European Commission are jointly organizing the eGovernment days.

eGovernmet days are specially designated time to exchange knowledge, ideas and future plans about eGovernment between policy makers and high-level IT experts in Public Administration, Universities and Industry, who are in charge of the eGovernment development. eGovernment days will be animated by two events:

- eGovernment conference entitled "Alliance with Users" on 11. February 2008 organized by Slovenian Presidency. More information about the event is available on these pages.

- IDABC conference entitled "European eGovernment Services Conference: IDABC and Beyond" on 12.-13. February 2008 organized by IDABC under auspices of Slovenian Presidency. For more information about this event please visit IDABC pages.

The eGovernment conference "Alliance with Users" will highlight Slovenian Presidency policy priorities in eGovernment: interoperability, eParticipation and eInclusion, and reduction of administrative burden, which are of vital importance for better public administration.

In the era of highly developed information technology the time has arrived to form an alliance with our users and to take steps together in the mentioned policy areas towards the creation of modern public administration.

Kategorija:Events Kategorija:2008/02/11