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Abecedni seznam programov
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Source Forge > Večpredstavnost > Grafika > Rastrska grafika

Current revision (12:20, 17 May 2010) (edit) (undo)
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{{infobox Software
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| name = GIMP
<div class="bodymaincoks" style="float:left;">
| logo = [[Image:Wilber_the_gimp.png|Wilber, The GIMP mascot]]
| caption = GIMP 2.4.3 running under [[GNOME]]. The picture is of GIMP's splash screen, with [[Wilber (mascot)|Wilber]].
| developer = The GIMP Team
<!--opis programa start -->
| latest_release_version = 2.6
| latest_release_date =
'''GIMP''' je program za rastrsko risanje. Bil je eden prvih prostih grafičnih programov in je do danes postal že povsem sposoben nadomestek komercialnih rešitev, kot je na primer Adobe Photoshop. Rasterska grafika pomeni delo s fotografijami in zahtevnejšimi tehnikami risanja z računalnikom. Je nujen sestavni del tako namiznega založništva kot domače uporabe računalnika.
| operating_system = [[Cross-platform]]
| genre = Raster graphics editor
GIMP je v desetih letih obstoja postal zrel program, z obilico možnosti in funkcij. Zna delati s skoraj vsemi obstoječimi grafičnimi formati, je enostavno razširljiv, zato zanj obstajajo dodatki za specialne uporabe, zna delati s posebnimi foto tiskalniki, z optičnimi čitalniki in z grafičnimi tablicami. Podpira tudi mnoge profesionalne zahteve, kot so CMYK in YUV barvne separacije, sloji, maske, predloge …
| language = [[Multilingual]]
| license = [[GNU General Public License]]
GIMP je eden najbolj znanih prostih programov, prejemnik mnogih nagrad, uporabljan v Hollywoodski filmski industriji, del namizja Gnome.
| website = [https://www.gimp.org www.gimp.org]
GIMP deluje v okoljih Linux, Windows in Mac OS X.
<div class="coksnovice">
<!--lokalna pomoč start -->
'''[https://www.institut-oko.si Inštitut oko]'''
[mailto:uredniki@coks.si Prijavite] ponudbo lokalne pomoči
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==RSS Novice==
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<div class="uporabacoks">
== Kako uporabljam GIMP? ==
[mailto:uredniki@coks.si Prispevajte] svoje izkušnje o uporabi OK rešitve.
==Študije primerov uporabe==
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<div class="coksboxsw">
{{infobox programi
| image = [[image:Wilber_the_gimp.png]]
| name = GIMP
| kropis = Orodje za rastrsko risanje
| izdaja = 2.4.2
| razvijalec = [https://www.gimp.org/about/authors.html GIMP razvijalci]
| os = Linux, MS Windows, MAC OSX
| stack = [[Grafika]]
| licenca = [[GPL]]
| spletnastran = [https://www.gimp.org]
| lokalizacija = Da
<div class="coksboxsw">
E-pošta: -
Forum: -
Tel. -
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Zadnja stabilna različica: '''2.4.2'''
Datum izida: '''21.11.2007'''
===Izvršne različice programa ===
* [https://www.gimp.org/unix Linux različica]
* [https://gimp-win.sourceforge.net/stable.html Windows različica + GTK]
* [https://www.gimp.org/macintosh MAC OS različica]
===Izvorna koda programa===
* [https://www.gimp.org/source/#source Izvorna koda GIMP]
<div class="coksdokumentacija">
* [https://www.gimp.org/docs Osnovna stran dokumentacije (angleška, hrvaška)]
* [https://www.gimp.org/books Knjige (angleške)]
* [https://www.gimp.org/tutorials Vodiči (angleška)]
<div class="cokshelp">
* [https://www.gimp.org/mail_lists.html GIMP poštne liste]
* [https://wiki.gimp.org/gimp GIMP Wiki]
* [https://www.gimp.org/develop Povabilo k razvoju])
<div class="cokslinks">
==Hitre povezave==
* [https://www.gimp.org GIMP novice]
* [https://www.gimp.org/screenshots Zaslonske slike]
The '''GNU Image Manipulation Program''', or '''GIMP''', is a [[raster graphics editor]] used to process digital graphics and photographs. Typical uses include creating graphics and [[logo]]s, resizing and cropping photos, altering colors, combining multiple images, removing unwanted image features, and converting between different image formats.
* [https://www.gimp.org/downloads Prenosi]
GIMP can also be used to create basic animated images in [[Graphics Interchange Format|GIF]] format. It is often used as a free software replacement for [[Adobe Photoshop]], the most widely used bitmap editor in the printing and graphics industries; however, it is not designed to be a Photoshop clone. The project's [[mascot]] is named [[Wilber (mascot)|Wilber]].
===Povezave RSS===
GIMP is expandable and extensible. It is designed to be augmented with plug-ins and extensions to do just about anything. The advanced scripting interface allows everything from the simplest task to the most complex image manipulation procedures to be easily scripted.
* [https://gimp.org/news.rdf RSS povezava]
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[[Category:A.8 Orodja za obdelavo slik]]
[[Category:Rastrska grafika]]
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[[Category:Abecedni seznam programov]]
[[Category:Abecedni seznam programov]]

Current revision

Wilber, The GIMP mascot
Developer The GIMP Team
Latest release 2.6
OS Cross-platform
Natural language(s) Multilingual
Genre Raster graphics editor
License GNU General Public License
Website www.gimp.org

The GNU Image Manipulation Program, or GIMP, is a raster graphics editor used to process digital graphics and photographs. Typical uses include creating graphics and logos, resizing and cropping photos, altering colors, combining multiple images, removing unwanted image features, and converting between different image formats.

GIMP can also be used to create basic animated images in GIF format. It is often used as a free software replacement for Adobe Photoshop, the most widely used bitmap editor in the printing and graphics industries; however, it is not designed to be a Photoshop clone. The project's mascot is named Wilber.

GIMP is expandable and extensible. It is designed to be augmented with plug-ins and extensions to do just about anything. The advanced scripting interface allows everything from the simplest task to the most complex image manipulation procedures to be easily scripted.