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==Odprta koda za razvijalce==
==Open Source for developers==
Odprto-kodne skupnosti ponujajo več kot le odprto-kodne programe. Razvijalci ki prispevajo svoj čas in trud na odprto-kodnih projektih pogosto ugotovijo, da se s tem izboljšujejo njihove programerske veščine, komunikacijske sposobnosti, ter ne redko tudi njihovo družabno življenje.
The open source development community provides more than just open source software. Developers who contribute their time to working on open source projects often find that it benefits their programming skills, their communicative abilities and even possibly their social lives.
Odprto-kodni projekti izvirajo iz potreb po novem programju, ali pa vsaj po alternativnem načinu licenciranja. Razvijalci in potencialni uporabniki lahko sodelujejo s pomočjo interneta da zadostijo svojim sedanjim in morda tudi razvijajočim se potrebam. Skupnost se lahko izgradi okrog določenega programa ali pa se skupnost odloči da potrebuje nov program. Kombinacija namenskega druženja ter hitrega razvoja in komentiranja pogosto privede do kakovostne programske kode.
Open source projects tend to spring up where there is a need for new software or at least differently-licensed software. The developers and some potential users can collaborate within a distributed environment, like the Internet, to satisfy that need, and perhaps even start to anticipate and cater for emerging needs. Whether a community develops around a piece of software, or a pre-existent community decides it needs a new piece of software, the combination of a purposeful social group and a rapid cycle of release and comment often seems to result in the production of good code.
===metodologija razvoja odprte kode===
Odprto-kodna metoda razvoja programske opreme je lahko zelo drugačna kot razvoj [[LPO]]. Kljub vsemu pa so lahko razvijalci nadvse presenečeni tako nad podobnostim, kot nad razlikami.
eksterni viri:
==Open source software development methodology==
Developing software using an open source development methodology can be a quite different experience to developing in a closed source model. However, developers with a closed source background may be surprised at the points of similarity as well as difference. These resources explore the background to the open source software world and the way that it works.
*[http://www.opensource.org/index.php Open Source Initiative]
*[https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html The Free Software Definition]
*[https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/ Philosophy of the GNU Project]
*[https://www.opensource.org/index.php Open Source Initiative(En)]
==Legal issues==
*[https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html The Free Software Definition(En)]
Like any creative professional, a developer needs to understand their intellectual property rights. The code you write may belong to you, your employer or even your college or university. Understanding your responsibilities and rights may seem irrelevant to the core business of getting developing, but unless you take the time to understand these matters then the re-use of code can quickly result in software that cannot be legally released and a lot of wasted effort.
*[https://www.gnu.org/philosophy Philosophy of the GNU Project(En)]
===Pravne zadeve===
*[https://www.abanet.org/intelprop/opensource.html An overview of open source software licenses]
*[https://www.intellectual-property.gov.uk/ Intellectual Property]
*[https://www.ipr-helpdesk.org/ IPR Helpdesk]
Kot katerikoli drugi kreativni profesionalec, mora biti tudi razvijalec seznanjen z avtorskimi pravicami.
==Policy issues==
Koda ki izhaja izpod vaših prstov je lahko v vaši lasti, lahko pa si jo lasti vaš delodajalec ali vaša fakulteta. Razumevanje vaših odgovornosti in pravic se lahko zdi nepomembno v primerjavi z glavnim namenom – razvojem, a brez razumevanja teh zadev se lahko kaj hitro zgodi, da zaradi uporabe tuje kode program ne mora biti zakonito izdan in posledično to pomeni ogromno truda zaman.
Open source software has relevance to public policy in two distinct areas. Perhaps most obviously it can provide an alternative to the products of proprietary vendors when public bodies look to buy in software. Open source licensing can also be an effective way of making software that has been written by public bodies (with public money) available to the wider community, where it may be taken up and adapted for greater public benefit.
Preberite še: [[Predstavitev_lastni%C5%A1tva_in_licenciranja_v_odprti_kodi | Predstaviev lastništva in licenciranja v svetu odprte kode]]
==Technical issues==
eksterni viri:
Once the legal and policy issues are out of the way, developers usually want to get on with the matter in hand - developing software. Clearly developers need to be well versed in technical matters. Here we link to some more technical resources that may be of interest to those who develop software.
*[https://www.abanet.org/intelprop/opensource.html Pregled licenc(En)]
*[https://www.uil-sipo.si/index.php?id=84 Urad republike Slovenije za intelektualno lastnino]
*[https://www.ipr-helpdesk.org/ IPR Helpdesk(En)]
===Politične zadeve===
*[https://freshmeat.net/ Freshmeat.net], announcements about new software releases
*[https://sourceforge.net/ SourceForge.net], a repository of thousands of open source projects
[[OKPO]] je v veliki meri povezana z javno politiko in to na dveh področjih. Verjetno najbolj očitna je ta, da lahko omogoča alternativo [[LPO]], ko se javna agencije odločajo za nakup programske opreme. Odprta koda pa je lahko tudi učinkovit način razvoja programslke opreme javnih organov (z javnim denarjem) in se lahko ponudi v uporabo širši družbi, kjer se lahko uporabi za javno dobro.
source: www.oss-watch.ac.uk
===Tehnične zadeve===
ko se politične in pravne zadeve umaknejo s poti, razvijalci ponavadi želijo nadaljevati z bistvom – razvojem programja. Razumljivo morajo biti razvijalci vešči v tehničnih zadevah.
Tu lahko najdete nekaj koristnih povezav:
*[https://freshmeat.net/ Freshmeat.net-napovedi novih verzij]
*[https://sourceforge.net SourceForge.net–repozitorij tisočih odprto-kodnih projektov]

Current revision

Open Source for developers

The open source development community provides more than just open source software. Developers who contribute their time to working on open source projects often find that it benefits their programming skills, their communicative abilities and even possibly their social lives.

Open source projects tend to spring up where there is a need for new software or at least differently-licensed software. The developers and some potential users can collaborate within a distributed environment, like the Internet, to satisfy that need, and perhaps even start to anticipate and cater for emerging needs. Whether a community develops around a piece of software, or a pre-existent community decides it needs a new piece of software, the combination of a purposeful social group and a rapid cycle of release and comment often seems to result in the production of good code.

Open source software development methodology

Developing software using an open source development methodology can be a quite different experience to developing in a closed source model. However, developers with a closed source background may be surprised at the points of similarity as well as difference. These resources explore the background to the open source software world and the way that it works.

Legal issues

Like any creative professional, a developer needs to understand their intellectual property rights. The code you write may belong to you, your employer or even your college or university. Understanding your responsibilities and rights may seem irrelevant to the core business of getting developing, but unless you take the time to understand these matters then the re-use of code can quickly result in software that cannot be legally released and a lot of wasted effort.

Policy issues

Open source software has relevance to public policy in two distinct areas. Perhaps most obviously it can provide an alternative to the products of proprietary vendors when public bodies look to buy in software. Open source licensing can also be an effective way of making software that has been written by public bodies (with public money) available to the wider community, where it may be taken up and adapted for greater public benefit.

Technical issues

Once the legal and policy issues are out of the way, developers usually want to get on with the matter in hand - developing software. Clearly developers need to be well versed in technical matters. Here we link to some more technical resources that may be of interest to those who develop software.

source: www.oss-watch.ac.uk